Prilly Latuconsina Amazed to See Mirfad Amelia's Struggle Rising from the Pandemic

Having been affected by the pandemic economically, Abdul Aziz and Mirfad Amelia did not give up. In the midst of this difficult situation, they decided to start a business in the perfume sector.

With strong intentions, they were able to create a brand within three months, which was named Bisan. Starting with three fragrance variants namely Nara, Tifa, and Kasy which immediately received a positive response.

"The point is to accept the situation first. Sometimes there are people who can't accept the conditions when they are in a slump. The important thing is to accept God's provisions first. After that, look for solutions and look at the closest opportunities," said Mirfad Amelia in a written statement.

Mirfad's name was also well received by a number of celebrities such as Prilly Latuconsina, Adelia Pasha and many more. They were also amazed by Mifrad's passion for starting his beauty product business from scratch.

"I really salute the struggle. It's not easy to have to go through such conditions," said Prilly

Mirfad adheres to the teaching of doing something so that everything will be made easier. Mirfad also has a noble mission behind his Bisan perfume brand. He also thinks about others, especially other people who suffer the same fate due to the effects of the pandemic.

"It means that we don't just fantasize, just do what is closest, for example, just take the closest opportunity later the path will be made easier by itself by Allah. " he said.

Mirfad also provides opportunities for anyone who wants to join in running his perfume business. Now he has around 300 agents throughout Indonesia and even Malaysia and Singapore.

"I don't want to just make perfume that only cares about the scent. We have to pay attention to a number of other aspects, such as the non-alcoholic food-grade content, so it's safe and lawful for prayer," he concluded.


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