Indonesian Traditional Music Worldwide which has its own uniqueness

 Indonesia's diverse cultural wealth is owned by Indonesia, one of which is the art of traditional music which has its own uniqueness. Although it has traditional characteristics, in its development some of these types of music are already well known in foreign countries. Even today, there are traditional music art groups from abroad. Some of the traditional musical arts that are well known and worldwide are gamelan, angklung, kolintang, and sasando.


Gamelan is an original Indonesian orchestral music art that has been very popular with foreign people. The most famous gamelan is Javanese gamelan, besides Javanese gamelan there is also Balinese gamelan and Sundanese gamelan. The difference lies in the arrangement of several musical instruments and the tones played. Javanese gamelan has a softer tone and slower tempo, in contrast to the fluent Balinese gamelan and Sundanese gamelan, which is lilting and dominated by the sound of the flute. The difference in the tone of the gamelan is related to the character of the community or the area where the gamelan art originates.


Angklung is a musical instrument originating from West Java, consisting of two bamboo tubes and a bamboo frame. The angklung musical instrument was popularized by Daeng Soetigna in the 1930s. Angklung is sounded by vibrating or hitting. The beauty of the sound of angklung can only be enjoyed when the angklung is played together.


Kolintang is a light but strong local wooden musical instrument, this instrument comes from Minahasa, North Sulawesi, and has been known for decades. Kolintang music game is not an individual art. This instrument must be played by a minimum of six people. Kolintang is usually played to fill various events, such as weddings, receptions, inauguration, thanksgiving, religious events and at sporting events.


Sasando is a unique musical instrument from Rote Island. This musical instrument made of bamboo and palm leaves really presents a unique and beautiful shape and sound. Sasando is made with ingredients that are abundant in nature. Palm leaves and bamboo are indeed widely grown on the coast of East Nusa Tenggara.

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