5 Characters Using Darkhold Books in Marvel Movies!

 Darkhold is a book of cursed magic that has a big role in Doctor Strange in The Multiverse of Madness.

This book has great power and effects that are no less dangerous for the user, even if only used once. Which Marvel movie characters have used it? Let's look at the following.

1. Agatha Harkness

Agatha Harkness is a witch who has been active for a long time and uses evil magical energy.

This was influenced because Agatha found and used the Darkhold book, which was a copy. He brought this book to Westview and got the next user to get it.

2. Wanda Maximoff - Scarlet Witch

Wanda aka Scarlet Witch gets the cursed Darkhold book because Agatha brought it into Westview.

Wanda also knows from Agatha and from this book that she is the Scarlet Witch, a powerful entity that has been foretold in this book for a long time.

Since then Wanda has studied the magical techniques in this book and has been influenced, making Wanda even more evil and eventually becoming a complete enemy in Doctor Strange 2.

In the end, Wanda is the one who destroys all Darkholds in the entire multiverse.

3. Doctor Strange (Earth-838)

Doctor Strange in Earth-838 also used Darkhold when he was figuring out how to defeat Thanos.

He uses Dreamwalk magic to enter himself in a different universe and figure out how to fight Thanos, but this causes an incursion and destroys one.

Because of this plus Strange 838 also began to be affected by Darkhold, after Thanos lost the Illuminati finally killed Strange, but made him a public hero.

4. Sinister Strange

Sinister Strange is Doctor Strange from a universe visited by Strange 616 and Christine 838.

In this shattered universe, Sinister Strange says he lost to something unexplained. That's why he used Darkhold, but still his universe was destroyed.

He is so intrigued by the Darkhold book that the side effects that make him more "cynical" are very pronounced, complete with the physical effect of the eyes on his forehead.

5. Doctor Strange

Doctor Strange from Earth-616 MCU is forced to use the Darkhold book after he is stranded by Wanda 616 using America Chavez's powers.

He fought Sinister Strange and managed to retrieve the Darkhold book, then used Dreamwalk magic to help America and Wong in the 616 MCU universe.

In the end Darkhold was destroyed, but Strange's side effect was still there: the eye on his forehead.

So that's the user of the cursed book Darkhold in the Marvel movie, which one is your favourite?

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