The 5 Evil Megazords in Power Rangers

 First introduced in the 90s, Power Rangers is an American superhero franchise that adapted the Japanese Super Sentai and has now become a pop culture icon worldwide. For nearly thirty years, this iconic franchise has introduced various teams of Power Rangers and their flagship robots called Megazords. Interestingly, even though the Megazord is actually intended to defeat giant monsters, the fact is that there are also evil robots that actually pose a threat. Like these 5 worst Megazords!


The first evil megazord whose power can no longer be doubted in the Power Rangers universe is Serpentera. This green dragon-shaped robot is famous for having a very large size as well as being the longest among other Megazords. With a nuclear shot coming out of its mouth, Serpentera quite often defeats the Rangers' Thunder Megazord. Fortunately, despite all of his terrible power, it turns out that Serpentera's energy runs out very quickly, so he can only appear occasionally. Including when used by Goldar and Lord Zedd in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and by General Venjix in Power Rangers Wild Force.

Dark Predazord

Among the Megazords that exist in the Power Rangers universe, perhaps the Dark Predazord is the evil robot that is most often shown defeating the Power Rangers. First introduced in the Power Rangers Wild Force series, the Dark Predazord is Zen-I's Megazord formed from 5 wild Zords. When Zen-Aku was told to be good because his Wolf Mask was destroyed, his Megazord finally turned into a good robot called Predazord. Simultaneously, Zen-I also started to become a Lunar Wolf Ranger helping other Rangers.

Centaurus Wolf Megazord

As the name implies, the Centaurus Wolf Megazord is a combination of Koragg the Knight Wolf and a horse Zord named Catastros, which in turn creates a giant centaur-shaped robot. Usually Koragg uses this evil Megazord when he fights the Mystic Force Power Rangers riding the Mystic Dragon and Titan Megazord. But when Koragg decided to fight alone in a smaller form, Catastros was still able to form his own Megazord as the Centaur Megazord.


If you are a fan of the Mobile Suit Gundam anime, maybe at first glance Cyclopsis looks very similar to the very popular Unicorn Gundam. In fact, this evil Megazord actually made its debut seventeen years earlier, in the Power Rangers Mighty Morphin series, which premiered in 1993 to be precise. The Cyclopsis itself is a humanoid zord piloted directly by the monster Goldar. With his strength, Cyclopsis proved to be able to easily defeat the Mighty Morphin Rangers. They were only able to provide resistance to Cyclopsis after they succeeded in awakening the Dino Ultrazord which is definitely stronger than the Megazord.


The last Megazord that is definitely included in the list of the worst robots in Power Rangers is the Dragonzord. This Megazord first appeared in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers when Rita Repulsa summoned it and then gave it to Tommy Oliver aka Green Ranger. As an evil Ranger, Tommy usually summons the Dragonzord using his dagger when he is about to face the Dino Megazord. Even though he was alone, Tommy and his Dragonzord proved to be able to keep up with the Dino Megazord which was formed from five dinosaur Zords.

Those are the 5 worst Megazords whose main goal is to defeat the Power Rangers and the good Megazords. In the end, some of these evil Megazords do get redemption by becoming good robots that can join forces with other robots belonging to the Rangers. Even so, their history as antagonists has proven that not all Zords or Megazords started their existence as good robots. In fact, they used to be henchmen of the big Power Rangers villains, such as Rita Repulsa, Goldar, and also Lord Zebb.

The following are films currently showing online in Cinemas

Those are recommendations for cinema films showing on New Year's Eve. Enjoy watching.


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