8 Most Mysterious Plot Holes in the MCU
The Marvel Cinematic Universe is Marvel's live action universe which so far has dozens of films and even a number of other complementary shows, such as series, spin-offs, and specials on Disney+. Even so, until now it turns out that there are a number of questions or mysteries that are still unanswered, in which all of this actually leaves confusing plot holes for loyal fans. Starting from the Infinity Saga, to the ongoing Multiverse Saga, here are eight MCU plot holes that until now have been ignored by Marvel Studios. Infinity Gauntlet in Odin's Trophy Room Anyone who saw Thanos in action in the Avengers Infinity Wars movie must be aware of how extraordinary the power of the Infinity Gauntlet is. Interestingly, the first Thor film released years earlier had shown the Infinity Gauntlet complete with its Infinity Stones stored in the storage room of Asgard. The Thor Ragnarok film itself has indeed answered that the Infinity Gauntlet in Odin's trophy room is fake. However, ...